

Anjing Pekingese

Anjing PekingeseCountry of Origin: China.
Size: Shoulder height: 20 cm (7.34 inches). Weight is 8.75 - 11 lbs.
Coat: Hair is long and abundant. A variety of colors is possible, but the most common combination is black and beige, sometimes combined with white.
Character: This dog is affectionate and noble, but not particularly fond of strangers.
Temperament: If socialized properly, this breed gets along fine with other animals. It does not like to be disturbed when resting, so it is not well-suited for homes with small children.
Care: A great deal of grooming is necessary, including frequent brushing and applying powder or dry shampoo. Excessive hair around the pads of the feet must be trimmed.
Training: A Pekingese considers itself its own boss, but it can be trained through positive reinforcement.
Activity: This dog has very little need for exercise, making it especially suited for life in an apartment.
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